Monthly Archives: December 2020


Origami Schweine

Origami pigs for good luck for the new year! 🐖 Are they not cool with the 👀 eye stickers!?The folding instructions are also suitable for origami beginners. We folded the cute pigs from the folding sheets Metallic.We wish you a happy new year! Come well over into the year 2021! 🍀 ursusdiy #wirfeiernzuhause #origami #origamischwein […]

Beautiful lightboxes!

URUS Lightbox

🎇 Available in 2 sizes and many wonderful motifs, the Lightboxes enchant us again and again! The craft sets are of course including LED lights and made in Germany. 👍The Lightbox seen in the photos is the assortment “Gingerbread” with the art no.: 2149 00 03. Beautiful, isn’t it? ursusdiy #winterbasteln #weihnachtsbasteln #winterdiy #weihnachtsdeko #buntpapierfabrik […]

Thank you!

URSUS Deko Set Engelchen

Why not give an angel as a gift? 👼 To the teacher who is always available even after work; the neighbour who hasn’t seen her grandchildren for months and won’t see them at Christmas either; the postman who carries all the heavy parcels up to the third floor himself … there are always people to […]

URSUS® Craft set „Christmas“

URSUS Bastelset Weihnachten Papiertannenbaum

Aren’t the fir trees great? We have made them from the papers from the URSUS® craft set “Christmas”. 🎄 You can find these and more instructions on our YouTube channel and at #ursusdiy #tannenbaum #weihnachtsbaum #geschenkidee #weihnachten2020 #weihnachtsdeko #adventsdeko #ludwigbähr #buntpapierfabrik