Monthly Archives: August 2020

Yupo® Synthetic Paper

We are still completely enchanted by our Yupo® Synthetic Paper, which simply harmonizes perfectly with Alcohol Ink colors! See it for yourself in the video! And don’t worry: our artist of course only used paper straws! 😎 #alcoholink #ursusdiy #papierstrohhalm #bastelidee #tinte #yupo #alkoholink #ink #diy #fließtechnik #pouring #ludwigbaehr #buntpapierfabrik


We exchange handicraft table for lake 🏖️ Due to the high 🔥 temperatures we say goodbye early into the weekend today! #heat freeThe team of the Ludwig Bähr Coloured Paper Mill also wishes you all a quick cooling off and a wonderful weekend. 🍹 wochenende #basteln #ursusdiy #papierstrohhalm #wabenpapier #bastelidee #dekoidee #summervibes #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbaehr

Back to School!

Back to School! 😎 Happy magnets in bright colours and patterns! The magnets “Letters” and “Numbers & Symbols” help you learn the alphabet and do your first calculations. ✔ The letters are up to 4.4 cm tall and come packed in a practical resealable box. #backtoschool #einschulung #abc #einmaleins #schulkind #idötzchen #schule2020 #bastelidee #kinderbasteln #ludwigbaehr […]