Origami times something different! With the cool stickers “eyes” get the cute sea creatures character!Products: Folders Transparent Sticker “Eyes #ursusdiy #origami #origamiart #meerestiere #origamibasteln #origamiidee #basteln #kinderbasteln #faltblätter #falten #faltidee #transparentpapier #erzieherin #selbstgemacht #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr #buntpapierfabrikludwigbähr
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Sand pictures are not only a fantastic children’s activity, besides, the fine motor skills are practiced.It’s child’s play: remove the backing film from the individual surfaces and let your child pour the sand over the motif. The work of art is finished! 😍 #ursusdiy #kinderbasteln #kinderbeschäftigung #erzieherin #kindergarten #grundschulkind #schulkind #einschulung2021 #selbstgemacht #sandbild #bastelnmitkindern #diymitkindern […]
Great for coloring, learning and playing! The blank magnets “Letters” and “Numbers & Symbols” are just fun – and along the way learn the ABC and first math exercises virtually by themselves!Tip: pinned to the refrigerator or another magnetic surface, you can practice with the blank magnets small reading and math problems with your child! […]
Tinted cardboard is simply an all-rounder! Whether for small or large craft and DIY projects, with clay cardboard every idea succeeds.Our clay cardboard is:✓ dyed through✓ light-resistant and brilliantly colored✓ made of fresh cellulose✓ 220 g/m² #ursusdiy #tonkarton #paperlover #papierliebe #bastelpapier #bastelmaterial #kindergarten #erzieher #selbstgemacht #fotokarton #buntpapier #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr #buntpapierfabrikludwigbähr
Are you also so infatuated with these soft, friendly tones? We, at least, simply love our wool “Pastel”. And if you like it stronger, just take our wool “Intensive”.Tip: The embroidery needles are also suitable for children’s hands because of the soft tip! ✨ #ursusdiy #Wolle #Wollebasteln #bastelnmitWolle #Kinderbasteln #Pastell #Pastellliebe #Erzieherin #Selbstgemacht #Sticknadeln #Sticken […]
The “Tropic Gold” masking tape set makes us dream of summer. 🦩 🍍 ♡ #ursusdiy #tropic #maskingtape #washitape #flamingo #summertime #sommerbasteln #bastelidee #kinderbasteln #sommerparty #partydeko #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr
We scratch a magical horse, because under the black layer of coal hides a magical rainbow! 🌈Our magical scratching motifs are simply fun! Are you also already in scratching fever? #ursusdiy #kratzel #kratzelmotive #kratzelidee #kinderbasteln #erzieher #kindergarten #bastelidee #pferd #pferdeliebe #selbstgemacht #scratchart #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr
April, it does what it wants! 🌈Never mind, we’ll be crafting in the meantime. And with the wool in intensive and pastel, many great ideas and projects can be realised! #ursusdiy #wolle #kinderbasteln #aprilwetter #regenbogen #rainbow #bastelnmitwolle #kinderbasteln #erzieher #selbstgemacht #diydekoration #wirliebenbasteln #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr
Happy Easter wishes from the URSUS® team! 🐰💚 ursusdiy #ostern2021 #wirbleibenzuhause #osterbasteln #osterdeko #osterhase #frühlingsbasteln #erzieherin #kindergartenbasteln #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr