Monthly Archives: April 2021

URSUS® Stickers “Eyes” – Folders Transparent

URSUS® Stickers "Eyes" - Folders Transparent

Origami times something different! With the cool stickers “eyes” get the cute sea creatures character!Products: Folders Transparent Sticker “Eyes #ursusdiy #origami #origamiart #meerestiere #origamibasteln #origamiidee #basteln #kinderbasteln #faltblätter #falten #faltidee #transparentpapier #erzieherin #selbstgemacht #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr #buntpapierfabrikludwigbähr

URSUS® Sand pictures

URSUS® Sand pictures

Sand pictures are not only a fantastic children’s activity, besides, the fine motor skills are practiced.It’s child’s play: remove the backing film from the individual surfaces and let your child pour the sand over the motif. The work of art is finished! 😍 #ursusdiy #kinderbasteln #kinderbeschäftigung #erzieherin #kindergarten #grundschulkind #schulkind #einschulung2021 #selbstgemacht #sandbild #bastelnmitkindern #diymitkindern […]

Magnete “Buchstaben” und “Zahlen & Symbole”

Blank magnets "Letters" and "Numbers & Symbols

Great for coloring, learning and playing! The blank magnets “Letters” and “Numbers & Symbols” are just fun – and along the way learn the ABC and first math exercises virtually by themselves!Tip: pinned to the refrigerator or another magnetic surface, you can practice with the blank magnets small reading and math problems with your child! […]

URSUS® Tinted cardboad

URSUS® Tinted cardboard

Tinted cardboard is simply an all-rounder! Whether for small or large craft and DIY projects, with clay cardboard every idea succeeds.Our clay cardboard is:✓ dyed through✓ light-resistant and brilliantly colored✓ made of fresh cellulose✓ 220 g/m² #ursusdiy #tonkarton #paperlover #papierliebe #bastelpapier #bastelmaterial #kindergarten #erzieher #selbstgemacht #fotokarton #buntpapier #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr #buntpapierfabrikludwigbähr


Wool pastel

Are you also so infatuated with these soft, friendly tones? We, at least, simply love our wool “Pastel”. And if you like it stronger, just take our wool “Intensive”.Tip: The embroidery needles are also suitable for children’s hands because of the soft tip! ✨ #ursusdiy #Wolle #Wollebasteln #bastelnmitWolle #Kinderbasteln #Pastell #Pastellliebe #Erzieherin #Selbstgemacht #Sticknadeln #Sticken […]


April, it does what it wants! 🌈Never mind, we’ll be crafting in the meantime. And with the wool in intensive and pastel, many great ideas and projects can be realised! #ursusdiy #wolle #kinderbasteln #aprilwetter #regenbogen #rainbow #bastelnmitwolle #kinderbasteln #erzieher #selbstgemacht #diydekoration #wirliebenbasteln #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr