It´s magic!

URSUS 2020 06 08 Einhorn Bastel Beispiel

It’s magic! ✨ The cute unicorn finger puppets are made in no time! Even children’s hands can cut them out! Cut the holes for the fingers either with a small pair of scissors or a motif punch. The horn is dusted with glitter, the mane and tail are made of wool and are fixed with double-sided adhesive tape. Our Freebie of the Month August can be found at 🌈🦄 Have fun with your handicrafts URSUS® wishes you! #ursusdiy #ursusbasteln #einhorn #unicorn #einhornbasteln #kreatividee #bastelidee #fingerpuppe #kinderbasteln #ludwigbaehr #buntpapierfabrik