Promote fine motor skills and concentration with the colourful braiding motifs! 🤩 Our braided stripes in intensive, pastel and rainbow are the perfect match! 🌈
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Colourful braided motifs 300 g/m², DIN A4, assorted in 9 motifs and colours Article no.: 3354699 Colourful braided motifs 300 g/m², DIN A4, assorted in 9 motifs and colours Article no.: 3354699 Colourful braided motifs 300 g/m², DIN A4, assorted in 9 motifs and colours Item no.: 3354699
Braiding strips 130 g/m² 1.0 x 50 cm, 200 strips assorted in 10 colours made of clay drawing paper Item No.: 6360099
Braiding strips 130 g/m² 1.5 x 50 cm, 200 strips assorted in 10 colours made of clay drawing paper Item No.: 6370099
Braided strips 130 g/m² 2.0 x 50 cm, 200 strips assorted in 10 colours of clay drawing paper Item No.: 6380099
Rainbow braided strips 130 g/m² 2.0 x 49.5 cm, 200 strips assorted in different colour combinations made of clay drawing paper Item No.: 6390099
Braided strips 130 gsm pastel, 1.0 x 50 cm, 200 strips assorted in different 10 pastel colours made of clay drawing paper item no.: 5690099