
Herbarium Pflanzensammlung

We make a herbarium! … a please what? 🤔 A herbarium is your own plant collection and a great summer vacation idea! 🤗The flowers and plants are glued onto the blank playing cards and fixed with masking tape. On the tape you can then write the respective name. Discover the meadows and forests together with your children – but stop! Pick only as much as necessary and never the plant with the root! 🤗 Have fun collecting and identifying!

#ursusdiy #sommerferienidee #sommerbasteln #pflanzensammlung #pflanzenliebe #kinderbasteln #spielkartenbasteln #kindergärtner #erzieherin #erzieherbasteln #education #kreatividee #naturbasteln #bastelnnaturmaterialien #naturmaterialien #buntpapierfabrik #ludwigbähr