URSUS® Sticker

URSUS® Sticker „Belohnung“ 4 Stickerbögen 11,7 x 17,7 cm Art.-Nr.: 59520007F URSUS® Sticker „Schulbeginn“ 4 Stickerbögen 11,7 x 17,7 cm Art.-Nr.: 59520008F

Aren’t stickers a great idea for school bag filling?! We can not even decide which motif we like more and therefore we show both! 🤗

  • Sticker “Reward
  • Sticker “Back to school”
    Tag the person you think could still use some school bag inspiration! 😊
#ursusdiy #sticker #schulkind #einschulung #einschulung2021 #idötzchen #schultütenfüllung #selbstgemacht #erzieher #zuckertütenfüllung #schulstart #schulbeginn