Wool simply belongs in every craft box, because you can create all kinds of great things with it. Tip: The embroidery needles are also suitable for children’s hands because of the soft tip!
#ursusdiy #Wolle #Wollebasteln #bastelnmitWolle #Kinderbasteln #Pastell #Pastellliebe #Erzieherin #Selbstgemacht #Sticknadeln #Sticken #Buntpapierfabrik #Ludwigbähr
URSUS Wool Pastel item no.: 56050099
URSUS Wool Intensive item no.: 56040099
URSUS embroidery needles item no.: 56020099URSUS Wool Pastel item no.: 56050099
URSUS Wool Intensive item no.: 56040099
URSUS embroidery needles item no.: 56020099